SOUTH BARRINGTON, Ill. — When life gave Annamarie Gullo bruised tomatoes, she smashed them and made an amazing line of sauces. The CEO and founder of the family-owned company, Linguini Sisters, began jarring and selling marinara, vodka sauce, and other varieties while in treatment for post transplant lymphatic disorder.
“Because I went through that terrible time in my life, I always focused on eating healthy and wanted my daughters to eat healthy,” said Gullo. “When the girls were in school, I just started making it, putting in batches, and giving it to the moms at school.”
Gullo says a family friend advised her to start selling the pasta sauce in grocery stores, launching Linguini Sisters as a company. Gullo’s three daughters Arianna, Alessia, and Angelica, are now heirs to the business and help market the sauces to the public on social media and through tasting events.
“It’s become a very big nickname for all of us,” said Arianna Arthur, Gullo’s oldest. “Well walk into a room and people will say the Linguini Sisters are here!”
Middle Linguni Sister Alessia Gullo-Arthur administers the social media accounts for the company. She said she often reads feedback from Italian-American buyers that the sauces taste like what their grandmothers cook at home.
“It feels like were really doing something right,” said Gullo-Arthur. “People do love to say it tastes like my Nonna’s cooking.”
Gullo said her health problems began in her early 20s when she had to undergo a kidney transplant. Despite the risk of complications, she wanted to have children.
“Bravest woman I know and she’s done so much for my sisters and I and for our family as a whole,” said Angelica Arthur, who as the youngest Linguini Sister, still lives at home with her mother. “I brag about her to everyone I know.”
Arianna and Alessia live away from home but the sisters still come back for moms cooking. Gullo said being a close, tight knit family that is there for each other is the Italian way.
“My mom is the most amazing woman,” said Arianna. “We have plenty of Linguini Sisters sauce in our cabinets but there’s nothing like going home and having our mom cook for us.”
The jars feature illustrations of three woman modeling pasta dresses so the sauces are seen as adding to their outfits. Gullo said she uses the best ingredients to create top quality sauces, even though it costs a little more to produce.
“Food brings people together and it keeps people together,” said Gullo. “I want to do something that’s going to leave an impact and teach my girls that when things get tough, just keep going.”
Linguini Sisters Pasta Sauces and Pizza Sauce can be found at select Chicago-area markets and online through Here Here Market. For more information on Linguini Sisters, visit linguinisisters.com.